Above, left:
From the crater ridge 2.650 meters above sea level at Mount Rinjani, Lombok,
Mount Rinjani offers a fantastic trekking experience on a 3-4 day trip.
The summit rises almost 3.700 meters above the wonderful tropical landscape.
The main trail leading to the top starts at the village of Senaru, which is
the last accessible site for vehicles. On the way up, you will walk through
beautiful mountain forests filled with mystery, mists, lichens and
wild monkeys. When you reach 2.000 meters above sea level, the forest
disappears and reveals an incredible view!
Above, right:
Sunset above the clouds and the forests at Gunung Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia.
From my tent above the forest, I watched the sun go down into a dune of
clouds. In the far distance, about 100 km away, I could see the summits of
two high vulcanoes on Bali.
Click HERE to see more photos from Gunung Rinjani.
Above, left:
The area around active vulcano
Mount Bromo in eastern Java in Indonesia (about 2.300 m. above
sea level) is a marvellous area
both for interesting local people and nature.
Above, right:
From the lakes of Keli Mutu, Flores.
The coloured lakes of Keli Mutu on the island of Flores are among the most famous sites in this part of Indonesia. The three lakes, set in deep craters at an altitude of 1.600 meters, near the summit of the Keli Mutu vulcano (Keli means mountain) have a habit of changing colour. Most recently, the largest was a light turquoise, the one next to it olive green and the third one black. A few years ago, the colours were blue, maroon and black. Nobody has managed to explain the cause of the colours or why they change, except to suppose that different minerals are dissolved in each lake.
There is a story among the locals that the souls of the dead go to these lakes: Young people's souls go to the warmth of the green lake, old people's to the cold of the milky turquoise one, and those of thieves and murders to the black lake.
Above, left:
Family in their rice field on the island of Lombok, Indonesia.
In the central parts of Lombok, around the slopes of the big volcano Gunung Rinjani, you will find a very green and fertile landscape with plenty of rice fields and other crops.
Above, middle:
Early morning near the mountain village of Batutumonga in the central highlands of the big island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The area around here is excellent for trekking. The countryside is very green, hilly and fertile, with changing rice fields, coffee and bamboo forests, and the air is crystal clear, when the sun is shining. Unlike the coastal areas of Sulawesi, the temperature up here is very pleasant here in Toraja, which the area is called. You will find a culture completely different from any other places in Indonesia. Something very special for the Toraja people is the architecture of their houses.
Above, right:
From the lake Danau Tempe near the town of Sengkang, South Sulawesi.
Danau Tempe (danau means lake) is a large, strange, shallow lake fringed by wetlands, with
floating houses and a magnificent birdlife. Fishermen are living in the floating houses, which
are moved to different parts of the lake depending on the water level during the changing
Above, left:
Although Bali is visited by a tremendous number of tourists it's still a "must" for foreigners, especially if you haven't been to Indonesia before. The culture of the island is unique for Indonesia, and if you keep away from the southern part of the island around Kuta, there is still a lot of very interesting things to see, both regarding people and nature. Although it's hard to understand, the inhabitants are still very little influenced by the hordes of tourists from all over the world.
Above, middle:
Rice fields at Ubud, central Bali, Indonesia.
This wonderful area is the cultural center of the island. The best way to explore it is to rent a bicycle or hike along
the numerous small trails in the fields.
Above, right:
Bali family near the village of Tirtagangga, eastern Bali, Indonesia.
They invited me to stay in their home for a while, and they showed me some incredible
ceremonies around the balinese new year.
Above, left: Lake Maninjau is a large and beautiful crater lake 35 km from the town
of Bukittinggi, Western Sumatra.
Above, right: From Beach Guest House right at the bank of Lake Maninjau, Western Sumatra -
an incredibly nice and relaxed place for backpackers.
Above: Lake Toba on Sumatra is the world's biggest crater lake and one of the most beautiful
places in Soust East Asia.
Above, left: Gunung Leuser National Park on Sumatra is an enormous area with tropical jungle,
wild elephants and tigers, and it's one of the very few
places in the world, where you can still find wild living orangutangs.
Above, middle: Christian, protestant church in the town of Ambarita on Samosir island in
Lake Toba, Sumatra.
Above, right: Traditional Minangkabau-house in a village near the town of Bukittinggi,
Western Sumatra.
Read my article about Bali in Indonesia in DANISH by clicking
Read my article about Sumatra in Indonesia in DANISH by clicking
Read my article about Australia & Indonesia in ENGLISH by clicking
Read my article about Australia & Indonesia in DANISH by clicking
Read my article about the climb of Bromo (Java, Indonesia) in ENGLISH by clicking
Read my article about the climb of Bromo (Java, Indonesia) in DANISH by clicking
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